Friday, May 9, 2014

Professors Prejudice?

This editorial piece ( is about the unintentional, or intentional discrimination of professors against students. It was a seemingly routine activity, emailing a large amount of professors across a broad spectrum of different schools and racial and gender backgrounds. The results were still shocking despite the routineness of the study. The study still showed that white, male students were the most likely to get a response back from a professor no matter what kind of background that professor had. It is shocking in a way to know that the people teaching higher education still hold some type of bias towards certain races, even if it is subconscious. College and university paths are supposed to broaden the mind and understanding of an individual, normally making them more socially progressive and liberal. It is so strange to see the opposite qualities possessed in the professors than how many would imagine them to be. The authors of the piece do make an excellent remark that 'we still have a long way to go'. If professors, teachers of higher education, still maintain some type of racial bias there is still plenty of racism and injustice in our society. From now on, as an Vietnamese female I'll be on my guard to make sure I am not getting discriminated against. I just never thought I would have to be on my guard from my own professors, the same ones who teach the wrong deeds in history. I would just imagine that these people of higher education would be able to see past that kind of unequal treatment.

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