I really do not appreciate the actions of our legislative branch anymore. I feel like our country barely manages to operate on account of them. It is constantly a tug of war between two parties that represent barely any people in our nation but make a majority of the decisions. Either too far left or right with their ideals but most people are near the center. Not every republican hates gays nor does every democrat want to help the needy. Even when congress manages to come together for just a bit, the whole bipartisan spirit crumbles after a few hours because "our party believes blah". I no longer end up blaming the president for the inability to correct this nation but rather the men in congress who delay every process to such a degree that some useful policies never come to fruition. The bill in the article is useful, and a cut that needed to happen to somewhere yet the conservatives are still not happy because it was not enough. They flat out refused to attend the celebration of the law because of being stubborn. This article shows more the inability of our congress to accomplish anything more than a useful bill being passed.
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